How to give a massage for a spinal hernia?
Many people know that spinal diseases are a fairly common problem, and the most unpleasant of them is the vertebral hernia. It is accompanied by “stiffening” pain, deprives a person of mobility.
Treatment after the “acute phase” – restoration of the back massage
The treatment presented in this article is not at all complicated. The main goal in this situation is to restore the normal functioning of the muscle corset and ligamentous apparatus of the back. Here the body will be able to independently prevent the development of the disease. To do this, two main methods of therapy are used – massage and therapeutic gymnastics. It is also necessary to realize that they should complement each other. Let’s talk more about what is massage treatment for spinal hernia.
Not a panacea, but an effective method of treatment
In general, the use of massage is characteristic of restorative treatment. In spinal hernia, it gives the opportunity to improve blood circulation in the painful area, stretch and relax the muscles. In addition, massage reduces pain syndrome, reduces the degree of excitability of nerve endings, prevents muscle atrophy. It is important to note that most often massage is performed in the absence of pain syndrome, or when it is weakly expressed.
The technique of massage for vertebral hernia can vary. It is the doctor must determine what type of massage is necessary in a particular situation – acupressure, classical, segmental-reflex, and the choice often depends on what the clinical manifestations of the disease, how pronounced they have a character, whether there are comorbidities, what are the characteristics of the patient.
With a herniated spine often use acupressure and other varieties of massage. At the end of the session the patient should experience a state of relaxation, warmth and comfort in the massaged area of the body, should increase joint mobility and improve health.
The duration of the session may vary, it is also determined by the attending physician, and it can be from a few minutes to an hour. The number of procedures and their frequency are set, depending on the patient’s condition, his age and the area of the body subjected to massage. Often one course of treatment is about twenty treatments, and breaks between courses can be up to three months.